Change of registrant (COR, or often called registrant name change, ownership change, registrant transfer), is used to transfer a domain name in to another person or company name, often due to the sale of a domain name, or a company name change. Every registrar in Australia is charged by auDA to perform this, and prices between registrars can exceed $300. Netfleet charges only $49.95 (including GST) for our Change of Registrant process and, unlike most other registrars, our process is entirely paperless, and you can change domain ownership in minutes.
Domain names must be managed by Netfleet, in order for us to perform a change of registrant. If your domain name is not with Netfleet, you can move your domains to Netfleet. For information on transferring your name/s to Netfleet please click here.
To perform a change of registrant, once logged in, choose the Change of Registrant menu. You must then choose whether you will be the new registrant (the buyer), or you are the current owner (the seller).
1. You will be the new registrant (buyer)
Select this option if you are to become the new owner/registrant of the domain name. Simply enter the domain name, and whether you will pay, or the current owner will pay the change of registrant fee ($49.95 inc GST). After reading the terms and conditions for the change of registrant, click the Initiate Change Of Registrant button.
2. You are the current registrant (seller)
Select this option if you own the domain name and are selling/changing in to another party's name. Select the domain name on which to perform the change of registrant enter the new owners email address (buyer), and whether you will pay, or the buyer/new owner will pay the change of registrant fee ($49.95 inc GST).
Upon initiating a change of registrant, unless you have agreed to the terms and conditions on screen, you will be emailed terms and conditions to approve the change of registrant. Both parties will be emailed this, and both must accept by clicking on the link supplied in the email.
Please note:
1. All change of owner/registrant also includes a brand new 2 years registration for free!
2. If a change of registrant is not completed within 7 days, it will automatically be cancelled.